Every choice we make, especially NOW, in business isn't just a transaction—it's a manifestation.
It's high time we rethink how we sell, create courses, and navigate our emotions within this new normal.
What is the Age of Aquarius Anyway?
For those who aren't astrologically savvy, the Age of Aquarius is an astrological era that promotes innovation, transformation, and a departure from traditional systems.
(This is why men and women are at war with each other, spiritually and mentally.)
It’s the Source's nudge telling us to be more collaborative, but line up with like-minds, leverage technology wisely, and above all, focus on collective well-being.
You might think, "But how does this connect to my business?"
The old models of hard selling—think aggressive persuasion—are outdated. Nope, not doing it anymore.
The Age of Aquarius calls for authenticity and genuine connections.
But don't get it twisted; I'm not saying ditch your sales goals. Heck naw. Instead, make your sales process more about facilitating an experience.
People want an EXPERIENCE. Read 3x times slow.
Here are 3 ways how you can shift asap:
Content: Engage your prospects with value-driven content that speaks to their pain points.
Stop beating around the bush—be direct but empathetic. Give us data, give us value, give us emotional shifts to take action for crying out loud.
Conversations: Initiate meaningful dialogues instead of delivering monologues. Because we don't care about how you feel...what is the ideal client handling all of this change? Help them to revisit their needs and show that YOU can help them.
Sample Script: "I hear you, and I understand how frustrating it is to juggle so many things. How would it feel to reclaim your time and focus?"
"FEEL"...you see that word??? Okay, let's keep going.
I'll bring you back to that part in a few...let's keep walking.
People crave experiences that make them part of a collective transformation. Instead of just offering information, design programs that emphasize community, transformation, and enlightenment.
^^^ READ THAT again...I know you can't take communities and all that, but you need them now - more than you know.
Incorporate Community Engagement: Facebook Groups, Circle community, or weekly Zoom catch-ups.
Make it more than just a course—make it a journey you all go through together.
Layer in Experiential Learning: Implement real-world tasks that help solidify the learning.
Navigating your Emotions: It's Not All Woo-woo!
I am so tired of "woo-woo" I don't know what to do ...spirituality has become another religion and I'm over it to be honest. But again with all fairness, spirituality is the way YOU connect with yourself, the planet, and the GOD you love - Source, Jehovah, YHWH, Allah, whoever...GOD GOD GOD.
But your faith is more important - because the unseen has to show up to you as truth before it shows up to you as the PROOF (read that again too).
Running a business can be an emotional rollercoaster. Let's be real; nobody's got time for unchecked emotions wreaking havoc on decision-making.
Your emotional state has a direct impact on your outcomes.
Daily Emotional Check-ins: Take 5 minutes every day to gauge your emotional temperature. Learn breath-work. Learn how to meditate and get back into your body every single day.
Are you anxious, excited, frustrated? Identify the emotion, acknowledge it, and then decide how it will serve you today.
Show the person behind the brand, and I mean the REAL you. Authenticity is your most powerful asset
They say that authenticity is the most POWERFUL vibration now (ranked higher than LOVE, can you believe it? Now, you understand why the love-pool has a little pee in it...anyway, this is NOT the post for that...LOL).
Live Videos/Q&A Sessions: There’s something raw and authentic about live videos. Use these to answer questions, showcase client testimonials, or just connect with people
Tiktok-tify your video content: Encourage your clients or community to share their stories and tag your brand. Use your IG/FB stories as a way to connect and sell your services. Offer some belief shifting short lessons. What is on the way for your business that people need to be aware of?
Priority Setting: Know your high-leverage activities. What are the tasks that directly affect your revenue, impact, or well-being? Those get the first blocks of time. Sales first, everything after.
Batching: Similar tasks should be grouped together. Answering emails, social media engagement, content creation—these can all be batched in together, to maximize your focus.
The patriarchal system is trembling in its boots, and for good reason. We are leaving the Age of Pisces...the age of "I believe"..."I need"..."I own you...".
We're shifting into the Age of Aquarius, the age of "I know..."..."I want..."..."I'm willing to partner..."
...where the old systems based on control, dominance, and hierarchy are starting to crumble.
People are waking up to the collective consciousness, where ideas like equality, inclusivity, and shared power are gaining traction.
This shift poses a direct challenge to the patriarchal norms we've been swimming in for, well, forever.
It's over it.
We're obsessed with being rescued.
We're obsessed with being helped.
We're obsessed with being raptured.
We're obsessed with being told what to think.
We're obsessed with being pushed into what to believe.
This is why many women are struggling in business.
This next generation knows what their soul came here to do.
Women are becoming financially independent at a rate that's unsettling to those comfy in their patriarchal recliners.
According to a 2020 study by McKinsey & Company, women control about $20 trillion in annual consumer spending globally.
That's trillion.
Adjust before you're adjusted OUT.
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